Apparel EngineeringStudy

Consumption Calculation of a Long Sleeve Shirt

Consumption Calculation Of Basic Long Sleeve Shirt For Woven Items

In the garment trade, consumption means the number of raw materials with a view to determining the price of a garment. We can calculate the consumption of basic long sleeve shirts in two ways:

First system

Length X Width

Formula = ——————————————-

Fabric width X Fabric Unit


Length = 16” + 3.25” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 20.25”

Width = 1.75” + 1” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 3.75”

Collar band

Length X Width

Formula = ————————————————– X 2

Fab. Width X 36” (Fab. Unit)

Length = 18” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 19”

Width = 1.5” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 2.5”

So, Consumption = (19” X 2.5”)/ (44” X 36”) X 2 = 95/1584” = 0.05” = 0.06 yd



Length X Width

Formula = ——————————————— X 2

Fab. Width X 36” (Fab. Unit)

Length = 24” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 25”

Width = 4” + 1” (Round) + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 6”

So, Consumption = (25” X 6”)/(44” X 36”) X 2 = 300/1584 = 0.189393 = 0.19 yd

Back part

CBL (Centre back length) – Shoulder width = (Length X Width)/(Fab. Width X 36”)

or, 34.5 – 4” = 30.5”

Length = 30.5” + 1” (sewing allowance) = 31.5”

Width = 24” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 25”

Consumption = (31.5” X 25”)/(44” X 36”) = 787.5/1584 = 0.49715909 = 0.50 yd

Front part

Formula = (length X Width)/(Fabric width X 36”)

Centre front length = 32” X 1” (Sewing allowance) = 33”

Width (Chest) = 24” + 1” (Sewing allowance) + 3” (Pleat W) = 28”

So, Consumption = (33” X 28”)/(44” X 36”) = 924”/1584” = 0.583333 = 0.59 yd


Sleeve length = 23” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 24”

Sleeve width = (23” + 11.5”)/2 = 34.5”/2 = 17.25” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 18.25”

So, Consumption = (24” X 18.25”)/(44” X 36”) X 2 = 876”/1584” = 0.553 yd


Cuff length = 10.5” + 1” = 11.5”

Cuff width = 2.5” + 1” = 3.5”

So, consumption = (11.5” X 3.5” X 4”)/(44” X 36”) = 161/1584 = 0.10 yd


Pocket length = 6.5” + 1” (Sewing allowance) + 1” Pleat W = 8.5”

Pocket width = 5.5” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 6.5”

So, Consumption = (8.5” X 6.5”)/(44” X 36”) = 55.25/1584 = 0.03488 = 0.035 yd

Total fabrics needed

  • Collar = 0.10 yd
  • Collar band = 0.06 yd
  • Back yoke = 0.19 yd
  • Back part = 0.50 yd
  • Front part = 0.59 yd
  • Sleeve = 0.553 yd
  • Cuff = 0.10 yd
  • Pocket = 0.035 yd

So, total = 2.128 yards

Total fabrics = 2.128 + 5% (Wastage) = 2.128 + 0.1064 = 2.2344 = 2.235 yards (Ans.)

Second system

It is called shortcut formula for quick consumption

Total length = Body length + Sleeve length + Sewing allowance (In case of wash Garments. Washing allowance to be added with the above)

Body width = Chest width + Sewing allowance (In case of wash Garments. Washing allowance to be added with the above)

Formula = (Length X Width)/(Fab. Width X Fab. Unit)

Body length = 32” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 33”

Sleeve length = 23” + 2.5” (Cuff width) + 1.5 (Sewing allowance) = 27”

Total length = 33” + 27” = 60”

Body width = 48” + 2” (S. A) + 3” Pleat W = 53”

So, Consumption = (60” X 53”)/(44” X 36”) = 3180/1584 = 2.007575 = 2.0075 + 5% (Wastage)

= 2.0076 + 0.10038

= 2.10798 + 0.95 (Shoulder one part)

= 2.20298 = 2.20 yards (Ans.)

Sulov Panday

Merchandiser at Echotex Limited. Former Merchandiser at Iris Fabrics Ltd and Interstoff Apperals Limited. Studied Textile Engineering majoring in Apparel Manufacturing from Shyamoli Textile Engineering College (STEC).

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